American Sniper

After watching American Sniper, I left the movie theater entirely overwhelmed by intense feelings. I was in awe of one man’s bravery and depressed by my own lack of it. I left feeling as if my life mattered a little bit less than before I walked into the movie theater at 1 pm that Saturday (it’s already strangely depressing to see movies during the day). I was jealous that some people get to experience the intensity of life and death every single day. I sit at my desk 40 hours a week staring at a computer and, while sometimes there is a severe risk that I might perish from boredom, most of the time I could not feel less alive. Then, I started thinking: Is it better to put your life at risk every single day, be constantly exposed to the brevity of life, and take your life and what you do with it much more seriously as a result OR just live a normal life with normal ups and downs? Well, considering the kind of baggage Chris Kyle had to unpack after 4 tours in Iraq, it would seem that the normal life is the way to go… MORE TO COME

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